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What are SERPs?

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are the pages displayed by search engines in response to a query by a user. The main component of the SERP is the listing of results that are returned by the search engine in response to a keyword query, although other results such as ads may also be included.

The results are usually presented in a list and are commonly called “hits”. Each result in the list usually contains a title and a short description.

The order in which the results are listed is generally based on relevance, with the most relevant results appearing first. However, other factors such as the popularity of the website and the quality of the content may also be taken into account by some search engines.

Rich snippets in SERPS

Google rich snippets are a new way of displaying the search results, with additional information about each result. This additional information is generally pulled from the source (in this case, your website). You may have noticed something like this in the search results:

Rich snippets are a great way to attract searchers’ attention, as they can help your results stand out and improve your click-through rate. However, they are not currently available for all types of searches.

Google is constantly testing new rich snippets, so it’s possible that they will become available for more searches in the future. For now, you can only use rich snippets for certain types of searches, such as product searches and recipe searches.

If you want to use rich snippets for your website, you will need to mark up your content with special code. This code tells Google what type of content you have, and what information should be displayed in the rich snippet.

If you’re not comfortable coding, you can use a plugin like SEOPress to add rich snippets to your WordPress site.

Once you’ve added the code to your site, you can test it using Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

If your rich snippet is showing up correctly, congratulations! You’ve just added another way to make your site stand out in the search results.

How can you improve rankings in the SERPS?

There is no magic bullet for improving rankings in the SERPS, but there are a number of things you can do to improve your website’s visibility and chances of ranking well. SEO techniques include on page SEO, technical SEO and off site SEO.

If you want help with improving your SERPs you can hire me as a freelance SEO consultant here

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Dave (Designed by)

I’m Dave and I’ve been building websites and online marketing for over a decade.

This is my home a place where I cover Design, SEO and all the other things that interest me.


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